Anger Education

This program looks into the physiological and mental processes that occur when a person experiences the emotion of anger.  Participants learn to identify the cycle that emotions follow, how anger is directly related to the emotion of fear, what anger does for their body, and identify simple and practical actions to take to reduce the feeling of anger in most situations.  Family patterns are explored in depth, and family involvement is strongly encouraged as most of what a child knows about anger has been learned from their family.  Additionally, the underlying psychological stressors and ‘personal self-statements’ that lead to lifelong trigger points for anger are explored with a goal of helping a person understand why they are getting angry.

In identifying the real cause and not just the immediate stimulus, real change can be attempted instead of just managing the misdirected symptoms of anger outbursts.  The aim of the program is not to make anger “go away,” it is to teach kids and their families how to act appropriately when they do get angry, and how to channel their anger to engage in personal and socially beneficial goals.