Bruce Normile Juvenile Center
In 2000 the Bruce Normile Juvenile Justice Center was constructed and dedicated in honor of Bruce Normile, retired circuit judge, to serve the needs of youth, their families and their communities located primarily in North Missouri.

  • Is the only juvenile detention facility located among 40 counties in North Missouri.
  • Consist of 26,000 square feet of programming and administrative space.
  • A secure detention unit will house up to 16 youth, ages 12 to 16. Detention of these youth who have violated the law, will provide community safety and offender accountability.
  • A staff secure residential treatment unit will accommodate up to 16 youth, ages 12 to 18, who have not violated the law, but whose environment and behaviors require short-term care by the court. The unit has the capability to provide emergency shelter services as well as services for moderate, severe and intensive level needs children.

This $3,000,000.00 facility has been built and staffed under the direction and leadership of Russell E. Steele, Presiding Circuit Judge. Also, with the outstanding collaboration and partnerships with the County Commissions of Adair, Knox, and Lewis Counties, the Missouri Department of Public Safety, the Missouri Division of Youth Services and the Office of State Courts Administrator.

The funding for the construction, operation and staffing of the Juvenile Justice Facility, have been accomplished through the above mentioned collaborations and have not added additional expenses to county budgets or taxpayer expense.